a man that is standing up with a guitar
a man sitting in front of a mixing desk
A group of people standing around a piano.
a black and white photo of a man and a woman singing into microphones
a crowd of people at a concert with their hands in the air
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Illuminating the beauty of the gospel through art and creativity

Year established

About Us

We're a group of artists, storytellers, and musicians who are passionate about using our unique skillsets and gifts to point people to Jesus.

God is the ultimate storyteller and divine artist. As His image-bearers, we have the ability to reflect His creativity in the world around us. And as believers, we're tasked with the responsibility to steward our creativity in a way that brings Him glory.

We're not aiming to simply produce beautiful things—we want to create works of art that highlight the majesty of God. Every design, worship environment, film, media, and song is crafted with intentionality by the six teams that form Austin Stone Creative.

But we don’t want creativity to flourish in our team alone. We want to extend opportunities for creativity to be nurtured within the church because we believe God values beauty and is delighted when we join with Him in bringing radiance from ashes. 

What We Believe

We Long for Jesus

We desire to be people of the Word who pursue personal holiness, seek an eternal mindset, and glorify Him.

"'It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God's mouth.'" (Matthew 4:4 MSG)

We Trust One Another

We give each other the gift of assuming the best and always drive for unity saturated in care and concern.

"It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if the alive-and-present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he’ll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive to himself?" (Romans 8:11 MSG)

We Work Towards Excellence

We're fully surrendered to be used by God, for God as we welcome feedback and grow as learners.

"... all created beings in heaven and on earth—even those long ago dead and buried—will bow in worship before this Jesus Christ, and call out in praise that he is the Master of all, to the glorious honor of God the Father." (Philippians 2:9-11 MSG)

We Choose Character

We value potential over proof, character over competence. 

"Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed!" (Philippians 2:14 MSG)

We Serve with Humility

We know our limitations and consider others as more important than ourselves.

"Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed!" (Philippians 2:14 MSG)

What We Do


The Communications Team oversees and creates all external communication from The Austin Stone. Think about each email, social post, app notification, or website page (including this one!)—our team had a hand in bringing these to life. We run in the background to craft helpful, beautiful, and concise communication so you don't have to work hard to find what you need to engage with our church.


The Design Team creates visual elements that add color and richness to every aspect of our church. This group of artists crafts and oversees graphics, environmental signage, and digital assets to mark each sermon series, event, program, or Austin Stone occasion. With their help, we get to experience the beauty of the gospel in a way that's visually impactful.


The Film Team takes snippets of God's grand, redemptive story and represents them through creating powerful videos. These videographers' work spans across every element of visual creation—from ideation to storyboarding, casting to shooting, and editing—to create films that help people uniquely experience the truths of the gospel. Whether it's a short film for Easter or a video explaining a new written resource, this team stewards the craft of film to point people to Jesus.


The Music Team works to produce songs and resources for our church to use in corporate and personal worship.


The Production Team members are often the first ones in and the last ones out as they work to support and serve The Austin Stone through the creative and skillful use of technology. From Sunday worship to special events, seminars, and more, this team creates environments where people can come, relinquish distractions, and focus their attention on God.


The Worship Team consists of members of our church who help us praise God through song. Each week, worship residents, volunteers, and staff members across all six congregations develop set lists and lead our people to spend intentional time worshipping Jesus. Members of this team are also involved in writing songs that invite us to experience the Living God through music. They also engage in mentorship to help develop worship leaders at other churches. 

A woman singing into a microphone in front of a band.
a man standing in a parking lot next to a camera

Our Team

Lacey Holmes

Music Coordinator
St. John
Coordinator Worship Creative Ministries Music Coordinator St. John Austin Stone Creative

David Icasiano

Film Creative Ministries Videographer South Austin Stone Creative

Lauren King

Project Manager
Manager Design Creative Ministries Leadership Project Manager Austin Stone Creative

Darby MacLea

Social Media Coordinator
Communications Creative Ministries Social Media Coordinator Austin Stone Creative

Bethany Mancha

Communications Coordinator
Coordinator Communications Creative Ministries Communications Coordinator Austin Stone Creative

Stephen Mancha

Design Manager
Manager Design Creative Ministries Leadership Design Manager Austin Stone Creative

Jaleesa McCreary

Worship Manager
Leader Worship Creative Ministries Leadership Worship Manager Downtown Austin Stone Creative College

Jimmy McNeal

Worship Pastor
Worship Creative Ministries Elder Leadership Pastor Worship Pastor West Austin Stone Creative

Matthew Moore

Production Director
Director Production Creative Ministries Leadership Production Director Austin Stone Creative

Lauren Peters

Graphic Designer
Design Creative Ministries Graphic Designer Austin Stone Creative

Rachel Robertson

Executive Assistant
Creative Ministries Executive Assistant Austin Stone Creative

Meg Sawyer

Film Coordinator
Coordinator Film Creative Ministries Film Coordinator Austin Stone Creative

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