Students Ministry at The Austin Stone

Cultivating a community for students to exalt the name of Jesus

What is Students Ministry?

Students Ministry at The Austin Stone seeks to equip students to become leaders and disciples for the glory of Jesus. By creating fun, gospel-centered environments and experiences, we create a place for students to belong, build relationships, and grow in their knowledge of the gospel. We also aim to support parents in their God-given roles as primary spiritual leaders of their family.

What We Do


Discipleship Communities (DCOMMs) are gender- and age-specific small groups that meet weekly across Austin. Led by two or more thoroughly vetted leaders, these smaller groups of students dive deeper into God’s Word, confess and work through sin struggles, and are encouraged to live their lives in accordance with the gospel. DCOMMs are a place where students can be deeply known and cared for by their peers and leaders.

What We Do


Discipleship Communities (DCOMMs) are gender- and age-specific small groups that meet weekly across Austin. Led by two or more thoroughly vetted leaders, these smaller groups of students dive deeper into God’s Word, confess and work through sin struggles, and are encouraged to live their lives in accordance with the gospel. DCOMMs are a place where students can be deeply known and cared for by their peers and leaders.

Events & Retreats

Throughout the year, we host a number of church-wide retreats and events for students to connect with each other, escape from distractions at home or school, and focus on Jesus! These include Students City Limits, Students Camp, CityWide Worship, ATX Student Weekend, Girls Gathering, and more!

Volunteer with Us

Do you have a desire to develop relationships with and teach students about the goodness of Jesus? We’re looking for godly men and women to invest their time into discipling our middle school and high school students!


Ministry Director

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Congregation Details

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Students Ministry at The Austin Stone Downtown


Students in 5th, 6th, or 7th grade can join us on Sundays during the 11am service in the iLab inside the Library at Austin High for a time of games, donuts, and discussion-based lessons using the REAP method to empower students on how to read God's Word on their own!

Middle School Students

Middle school students in 6-8th grade can join us Sunday nights from 5-7:30pm at the St. John Campus for a night of community, fun, food, and engaging in God's Word together! This time together provides a space where middle schoolers can gather to build friendships and a foundation of faith as they learn more about Jesus. Middle School DCOMMs also meet at this time.

High School Students

Rather than meeting on Sunday mornings, we encourage students in 8th through 12th grade to integrate into the life of the church body. Whether by worshipping alongside their parents or friends, sitting under the teaching of elders, or serving in other areas of ministry (like 5/6/7), we want to empower students to love the church! Throughout the semester there will be social events immediately following the 11am service for students.

High school students in 9th-12th grade can join us Sunday nights from 5-7:30pm at the St. John Campus for a night of community, fun, food, and engaging in God's Word together! This time together helps empower students to deepen their faith and take it into their schools, sports teams, and jobs—spreading the good news of Jesus. High school DCOMMs also meet during this time.


Students Ministry at The Austin Stone North

Middle/High School Students

Students in 6th-12th grade meet Sundays from 6-8pm at the North Campus Main Building for a night of community, fun, food, and studying the Bible! This time together helps empower students to deepen their faith and take the good news of Jesus into their schools, sports teams, and jobs.


Students in 5th, 6th, or 7th grade can join us on Sundays during the 11am service at the North Campus Annex for a time of games, Round Rock Donuts, and a discussion-based lesson used to empower students on how to read God's Word on their own!


Students Ministry at The Austin Stone Northwest

High School Students

Rather than meeting as a ministry during Sunday services, we encourage students in 8-12th grade to integrate into the church body. Whether it be worshipping alongside parents or friends, receiving the teaching of elders, or serving in other ministries, we hope to empower students to love the church!

High school students gather every Sunday from 12:30-2pm in The Warehouse.  Food, fun, worship, and gospel teaching included! High school DCOMMS also meet during this time.

Middle School Students

During the 9am service on Sundays, our 5th, 6th, and 7th graders meet for a time to build community, have fun, and establish firm foundations of faith!

Middle school students gather every Sunday from 6-8pm at our Northwest Campus for food, fun, worship, and gospel teaching. Middle school DCOMMs also meet during this time.


Students Ministry at The Austin Stone South

High School Students

On Sunday mornings, we encourage students in 8th through 12th grade to attend the 9am service as they integrate into the life of the church body. Whether by worshipping alongside their friends or parents, sitting under the teaching of elders, or serving in other areas of ministry, we want to empower students to love the church!

High school students gather weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm for food, fun, and gospel teaching.

Middle School Students

On Sunday mornings during the 9am service, our 5th, 6th, and 7th graders meet for a time focused on learning to study the Bible and establishing firm foundations of the faith!

Middle school students gather weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm for food, fun, and gospel teaching.


Students Ministry at The Austin Stone St. John

High School Students

Rather than meeting on Sunday mornings, we encourage students in 8th through 12th grade to integrate into the life of the church body. Whether by worshipping alongside their parents or friends, sitting under the teaching of elders, or serving in other areas of ministry, we want to empower students to love the church!

High school students gather weekly on Sunday evenings from 5-7:30pm at our St. John Campus for food, fun, worship, and gospel teaching. High school DCOMMs also meet during this time.

Middle School Students

On Sunday mornings, our 5th, 6th, and 7th graders meet for a time focused on building community, having fun, and establishing firm foundations of faith!

Middle school students gather weekly on Sunday evenings from 5-7:30pm at our St. John Campus for food, fun, worship, and gospel teaching. Middle school DCOMMs also meet during this time.

St. John

Students Ministry at The Austin Stone West


5th, 6th, and 7th graders meet during the 11am service on Sundays to play games, eat donuts, and learn how to engage with God's Word. In our discussion-based lessons, we use the REAP method to help students feel comfortable and confident reading the Bible on their own!

Middle School Students

6th, 7th, and 8th graders gather weekly on Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm for a night of community, fun, food, and engaging in God's Word together! This space is for middle schoolers to build friendships and a foundation of faith as they learn more about Jesus.

High School Students

On Sunday mornings, we encourage students in 8th through 12th grade to attend the 11am service as they learn how to integrate into our church family. We want to empower students to love the local church—whether through worshiping alongside their friends and parents, sitting under the elders' teaching, or serving in another ministry.

High school students also gather weekly in host homes for DCOMMs (discipleship communities) and on the third Sunday of every month for our High School Rally Nights.



Ministry Directors



Hannah Penley

Students Ministry Director


Joseph Vasami

Students Ministry Director


Jonah Qualls

Students Ministry Director


Andrew Goode

Students Ministry Director
St. John


Becca Harris

Family Ministry Director


Parker Spaniel

Students Ministry Director



Kaleigh Corbell

Students Ministry Lead

Emily Echols

Students Resident

Brooke Guarry

Students Resident

Noah Johnson

Students Ministry Lead

Katie Lytle

Students Ministry Lead

Faith O'Brien

Students Ministry Lead

Catherine Phan

Students Resident

Josephine Sheng

Students Resident

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I volunteer to serve in Students?

Yes! We’re always looking for godly men and women to invest time and energy into discipling our students. Typically, volunteering with Students entails leading a DCOMM.

It’s important to note that anyone who serves in Students Ministry has to complete our onboarding process which includes an application, in-person interview, background check, policy training, and completion of an accredited sexual abuse awareness training. To start that process, click here to apply or reach out to your congregation’s Students director.

How do you prioritize the safety of students?

We recognize that God has entrusted us with the safety of students while they’re in our care, and we prioritize their well-being. Each Students environment is supervised by multiple volunteers who have undergone an intensive onboarding process that includes an application, in-person interview, background check, policy training, and completion of an accredited sexual abuse awareness training. If you have any additional questions regarding the practices or policies surrounding students’ safety, please reach out to your congregation’s Students director.

Have more questions?

Is there something we didn’t cover that you’d like to know more about? Contact us to send us any questions you may have about our Students Ministry!

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