Men's Ministry at The Austin Stone

Developing men in the local church who live actively and missionally

What is Men's Ministry?

Men’s Ministry at The Austin Stone exists to connect, equip, and mobilize men for the work of ministry.

What We Do

Men have been tasked to proactively serve in the spheres of influence God has placed them. Through congregational gatherings, community groups, Bible studies, and retreats, we want men to go forth in boldness to display the fullness of God’s glory in our church, our city, and around the world.

What We Do

What We Do

Men have been tasked to proactively serve in the spheres of influence God has placed them. Through congregational gatherings, community groups, Bible studies, and retreats, we want men to go forth in boldness to display the fullness of God’s glory in our church, our city, and around the world.

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Ministry Director

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Men's Ministry at The Austin Stone Downtown

For more information on the Men’s Ministry at our Downtown Campus, contact Walt Lengel, or click here to stay up to date with upcoming events.


Men's Ministry at The Austin Stone North

For more information on the Men’s Ministry at our North Campus, contact Ian O'Donnell.


Men's Ministry at The Austin Stone Northwest

For more information on the Men’s Ministry at our Northwest Campus, contact Jon Dansby.


Ministry Director

Jon Maldonado


Men's Ministry at The Austin Stone South

South congregation men gather each month for a time of teaching, fellowship, prayer, and connection.

  • When: The fourth Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8am
  • Where: South Campus
  • Details: Light breakfast and coffee provided. No registration or cost required.

We also host men's Bible studies and fellowship events throughout the year.

For more information on the Men’s Ministry at our South Campus, contact Jon Maldonado.


Men's Ministry at The Austin Stone St. John

For more information on the Men’s Ministry at our St. John Campus, contact Marshall Perry.

St. John

Men's Ministry at The Austin Stone West

For more information on the Men’s Ministry at our West Campus, contact Steve Shaver.



Looking for more information about Men's Ministry? Contact your congregation's ministry director!

Ministry Directors



Walt Lengel

Spiritual Formation Director


Ian O'Donnell

Spiritual Formation Director


Jon Dansby

Associate Pastor


Jon Maldonado

St. John


Dr. Marshall Perry

Spiritual Formation Director


Steve Shaver

Spiritual Formation Pastor



Jon Dansby

Associate Pastor

Walt Lengel

Spiritual Formation Director

Jon Maldonado


Ian O'Donnell

Spiritual Formation Director

Dr. Marshall Perry

Spiritual Formation Director

Steve Shaver

Spiritual Formation Pastor

Recent Content

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there a Men's Ministry at The Austin Stone?

The Men’s Ministry at The Austin Stone exists to develop men in the local church who live actively and missionally. We seek to accomplish this by connecting, equipping, and mobilizing men at The Austin Stone for the work of ministry together.

Is there something we didn’t cover that you’d like to know more about?

Use the contact button to send us any questions you may have!

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