We seek to create spaces for women to know and be known by sisters in our church so that they may find their home and voice at The Austin Stone. Through equipping, cultivating gifts, and catalyzing leaders, we want to empower women to display the fullness of God’s glory in our church, our city, and around the world.
We seek to create spaces for women to know and be known by sisters in our church so that they may find their home and voice at The Austin Stone. Through equipping, cultivating gifts, and catalyzing leaders, we want to empower women to display the fullness of God’s glory in our church, our city, and around the world.
While Women’s Ministry works collaboratively across all six Austin Stone congregations, it’s also expressed uniquely at each location. At every congregation, you’ll find specific opportunities to connect with other women and grow in your love of Jesus through gatherings, mentor relationships, and Bible studies.
Thursday Evening
Thursday Evening
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For more information on Women’s Ministry at our Downtown Campus, contact Kate Terry, or click here to stay up to date on upcoming events.
For more information on Women’s Ministry at our North Campus, contact Amy Schappert.
For more information on Women’s Ministry at our Northwest Campus, contact Christine Hoover.
For more information on Women’s Ministry at our South Campus, contact Purshia Gambles.
For more information on Women’s Ministry at our St. John Campus, contact Misti Echols.
For more information on Women’s Ministry at our West Campus, contact Chrissy Kennedy.
We encourage you to join us for one of our Bible studies in the fall or spring, attend a gathering at your congregation, or come to a church-wide event! We’re also always looking for women to serve, mentor, and lead in other ministries across The Austin Stone. You can reach out directly to your congregation’s Women’s director to better understand the needs and available opportunities to serve!
Because discipleship is both personal and communal, we believe that it’s important to create events that help cultivate relationships with one another. Whether through church-wide events or congregational gatherings, we see immense value in women coming together for conversations, shared meals, and time studying the Word. All of our events, whether they’re one evening or a whole weekend, seek to help us magnify Jesus in our lives and spur us on in our faith.
Women’s Retreat is a weekend event each March where we get to spend extended time away together around a biblical text or topic. The weekend includes worship and teaching by Austin Stone leaders and intentional opportunities for connection and refreshment.
Women’s Workshop occurs each September and specifically aims to help women grow in biblical literacy. This interactive seminar is an all-day training opportunity that features a trusted teacher from outside of The Austin Stone.
Congregational Women’s gatherings vary in frequency and content, but are always great opportunities for connection and growth!
Every fall and spring, we offer a Bible study for women to participate in with others from their congregation. These studies are typically six weeks long and begin in late March and late September. Designed to help grow your knowledge and love of the Bible, these studies consist of guided homework, class lectures, and discussion times with other women.
In addition to our Bible studies, congregations regularly host a variety of equipping classes, often including classes for new moms, book clubs, or other studies!
The primary way we encourage group involvement at The Austin Stone is through small groups that meet regularly. These groups typically include women and men. You can reach out to your congregation’s connection director for next steps on how to get involved with a Group at The Austin Stone. We also recommend participating in one of our Women’s Bible studies as a supplement to your spiritual growth in community!
We love books and podcasts, but we ultimately hope to point you to the Bible and community for discipleship and spiritual growth. That’s why the studies we offer aim to help you know, love, and obey God’s Word with others and also develop skills to help you study the Bible on your own after the study ends! But, we often post about our favorite resources on our Instagram account!
We believe that mentorship can be a fruitful discipleship tool and we love to see women pouring out into the lives of those around them! Our Women’s Mentorship Network exists to introduce mentors to potential mentees. If you’re a partner of The Austin Stone and are interested in mentoring another woman in our church, please let us know here! If you’re looking for a mentor, we’d love to find someone to connect you with! Please fill out the form here to get connected.
Please note that because the network is limited by the number of available mentors, we ask that potential mentees already be involved in a small group community, and we will prioritize women who are already partners of The Austin Stone.
We’re blessed to have an incredible counseling center that offers direct biblical counseling services, groups, and classes. Specifically, they have resources for walking through infertility, infidelity, post-abortive care, and recovery.
We’d also love to know you and help connect you to pastoral care at your congregation if needed. Reach out to your congregation’s Women’s director or to the Women’s Ministry directly at women@austinstone.org.