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January 21, 2022
July 23, 2024

In His Image: Shawn

"So at 17, finding out that I was pregnant, I was absolutely horrified. I was just so afraid and so frightened. And I was just trying to figure out what to do to fix this…" Shawn, The Austin Stone

So many stories start like Shawn’s. And so many end with women and families feeling like there’s no good option for them to keep their babies or flourish with a newborn. But we're praying and investing in a better, life-affirming future for families in our city.

We invite you to join with us in hearing and validating the lives, dignity, and stories of all women who’ve experienced abortion, and join with Christ in seeing God’s image in every life, born and unborn. Stories like Shawn’s fill our church and our city. And stories that start with hers can end differently by God’s glorious grace.

If you or someone you know is contemplating abortion, we encourage you to connect with our Recovery Ministry by emailing Brad Peterson. Our Recovery Team offers onsite support, care, and Biblical counsel, as well as classes designed for women who’ve experienced abortion to remind them of the forgiveness and freedom that can only be found in Christ.

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