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July 20, 2021
January 16, 2025

Summer Selah: Satisfaction Guaranteed

Summer ought to be a season when we’re able to rest well—a time we can spend with the Lord and His goodness. But, oftentimes, we actually fall out of healthy spiritual habits and end up trying to rest from the Lord instead of resting in Him.

That’s why we’ve created the Summer Selah Series. Over 40 days, we’ll be sharing daily devotions during a season where you may not feel very devoted.

Based on excerpts from his book Selah: Devotions From The Psalms For Those Who Struggle With Devotion, Ross Lester, our Pastor of Preaching and West Congregation Pastor, will provide readings from select Psalms, a brief devotional reflection, and some prayer points for each of the 40 days.


Take some time to read Psalm 107. Then, come back and read the following verses again.

“Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever!
Let the redeemed of the LORD say so,
whom he has redeemed from trouble
and gathered in from the lands,
from the east and from the west,
from the north and from the south.” (Psalm 107:1-3 ESV)


John Piper said it best when he said, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” Thankful people are joyful people, and joyful people bring glory to God in a world where very few people can display the luminescent quality of joyful satisfaction.

Psalm 107 is an anthem of thanksgiving and satisfaction in God. It is a recollection of God’s goodness in the lives of His people. We can struggle to identify with it though, because we continually view the world through the lens of what we don’t have rather than looking at what we do. We continue to judge the goodness of God based on all the things we perceive He hasn’t done for us rather than looking at all the things He has done.

Let us make every effort to look at our lives through the lenses of God’s goodness and grace, and as we do that, we will realize that there are signs all over the place of His mercy and love. That knowledge brings us joy and that brings us satisfaction and that brings us faith and that brings Him glory.

Be thankful, for He is good.


Father God, You have been so good to me. Give me eyes to see how kind and gracious You have been. Teach me Lord what it means to be fully satisfied in You!

Ross Lester, Selah: Devotions From The Psalms For Those Who Struggle With Devotion (Magnolia, Texas: Lucid Books, 2017)

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summer selah series