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April 22, 2024
January 10, 2025

Resurrection-Fueled Counseling

“For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.” - 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

Life is complicated and busy. It's all too easy to be consumed by the many urgent and pressing matters that come our way. Whether unexpected hiccups, illnesses, financial strain, traffic, or wayward kids, the list of time-demanding, critical problems is endless. Though these things rightly require our time and attention, we must not let them blind us to what's most important.

What we need most is Christ. What every client of ours needs most is Christ. This truth of utmost importance must consistently shape how we live and care for others. We must keep our counsel from falling into an earthbound rhythm of only helping clients have effortless, more comfortable lives. Instead, our counsel must point our clients beyond today's pressing problems to the One they need most.

We can do this by spending less time looking for Jesus in the tomb. What do I mean by this? Jesus’ death only matters because He resurrected. Without the resurrection, His death would've only been a tragedy. But because of the resurrection, His death is unendingly meaningful and reveals the wonder of God’s love and power.

Similarly, we need to help our clients reframe their presenting problems through the lens of the resurrection. When this happens, their pain points become how they can see and experience God as the God of resurrection, comfort, and redemption.

Each time we view our clients' problems, may we take a more full view of our Redeemer who lives. For each session spent rooting out sinful tendencies, may we also use multiple sessions to sit in the wonder and awe of our God, who has covered our sin and made us new. May the sting of sin today prompt us to turn our attention to our resurrected Savior, who buried our sins with His death and now calls us His own.

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Andrew Dealy
Related Congregation
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Austin Stone Counseling
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