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December 11, 2017
July 23, 2024

Peace-Making through Story

Richard, Alice & Derek have been involved in peacemaking and reconciliation efforts between people groups in their host city for a year and a half. Their day-to-day focus is on storytelling through film. They believe telling truly human stories can raise awareness of issues and injustices, break down stereotypes, and humanize the “other” to create empathy, promote reconciliation, and contribute to the restoration of broken places and people.  

They love how both sides of their divided city love kids, and they are usually greeted with a smile and a welcome wherever they go. They hear the word “habibi” (“my love”) dozens of times wherever they bring their son.  

The people have taught them a lot about resilience and conviction in the midst of difficulty. Even though it’s challenging to live in their city at times, they like being involved in the gritty work of peacemaking. The ground is ripe for it, and they expect to see real fruit and real changes.  

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