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January 12, 2023
January 16, 2025

Imago Dei Resources

In the book of Matthew, we are told by Jesus that the two greatest commandments are to love Him and to love others. He says:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.” (Matthew 22:37-40 CSB)

As a church, these commands from Jesus are why we start each year with sermons on being in the Word, practicing consistent prayer, and looking at what the Bible says about the Imago Dei—or Image of God—in every person. We want to begin each new year with a reminder to ourselves to love God with all we have, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Reading the Word regularly, being in consistent prayer, and seeing the Imago Dei in those around us take practice. We have to create intentional time in our days and train our hearts and minds to think on Him rather than other, less beautiful things. But most of all, we have to rely on the work of the Holy Spirit to continue His sanctifying work of making us more like Jesus day in and day out.

In an effort to help us practice seeing the Imago Dei in those around us, we want to invite you to read and walk through a few resources from our church:

Sanctity of Life Primer

This is a primer on the inherent dignity of all people, and some of the ways The Austin Stone is working to protect the unborn while loving, empowering, and ministering to those affected by abortion.

Click Here to Read

“Know Austin, Love Austin” Audio Tour

This audio tour highlights locations across Austin, introducing you to the historical importance of each site. Each stop includes a brief history of the landmark, has remarks based on a Christ-centered perspective, and gives space for guided reflection and prayer. It’s a great opportunity to visit landmarks in our city, listen to the history behind them, and pray for God to continue to bring about healing and reconciliation in His church and city.

Click Here to Listen

Forgiven and Set Free Group

While God grieves for the aborted child, He sees post-abortive women, loves them, and offers them new life through His Son. While our enemy seeks to destroy life, Jesus is the life-giving source of all love, forgiveness, and peace. If your story includes abortion, precious daughter, there's hope and healing for you—and you’re not alone.

We invite you to consider joining Forgiven and Set Free, a 10-week Bible study led by women who’ve experienced abortion and found forgiveness and freedom in Christ. 

Click here to Learn More

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Elders of The Austin Stone
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