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November 7, 2022
January 16, 2025

Held by Faith

"All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, or who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." (Luke 10:22 ESV)

God is, has, and always will be in control. It’s a truth that is easily forgotten and often hard to believe, yet it remains true. We cannot escape the sovereign grasp of our God and, if we could comprehend what He is up to in all creation, we would never want to. However, our sight is finite, and we often can’t see beyond our pain.

Pain keeps our attention in the present and obscures our perception of the good God is bringing about in our lives. Pain tells us to escape. It tells us what is happening is bad and needs to be avoided. It demands we take control and pursue the shortest path to comfort. But faith invites us on a different path.

Faith calls us to lean into the sovereign grace of God when running away feels like the better option. It gently reminds us that this present discomfort is forming a spiritual strength that can be accomplished by no other means. Faith directs our attention to our Heavenly Father who both grieves with us and gives us endurance so that this present time of trial might produce a priceless work within us.

This faith only comes from the gracious revelation of Jesus. How incredible it is that He would choose to give us eyes to see Him for who He really is and faith to believe all His works have indispensable purpose. He has given us Himself, leaving no reason for us to believe He would ever withhold any other good thing from us.

May our counsel ring with the glory of this revelation. Jesus reigns. He holds us in His loving omnipotent hands. He is gently and slowly molding us into what we were always made to be. The pains are real and have purpose in our story, but they are not the main point. Rather, they are temporary tools God is using to prepare us for far greater things.

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Andrew Dealy
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Austin Stone Counseling
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