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December 4, 2023
September 10, 2024

Cultivating Conscience: Identity & Humanity

Conscience can be defined as a God-designed and God-given faculty that helps us assess what is good and bad, right and wrong. What role, then, does the conscience play in Christians’ lives? How can it help Christians grow in personal holiness, wise decision-making, and spiritual maturity?

The Austin Stone Institute asked nine writers to compose a liturgy in response to the questions, as applied to a particular area of life. Today’s writer addressed cultivating one’s conscience in relation to identity and humanity.

Identity & Humanity

O my God, I bear Your image,
A reflection of Glory in the looking glass.

You have written Your values on my heart;
I know this very well.
For though I blaze in a moment of rebellion,
I cool in the next with remorse;
Though I bloom to an overgrowth of selfishness,
I wither soon with regret. 

How beautiful, O Lord, is Your judgment!
How happy, O Lord, is the one who obeys!

Let it be so of me always,

For I am not my own—
Made in holy likeness,
Bought with holy blood,
By holy love.

O Lord, may I be found Holy in the looking glass!

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Will Sheehan
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Related Initiative
Austin Stone Institute
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